06.05.2024 – Competition Results
The goal of this competition was to experiment with site-specific case studies that could work as open laboratories to test novel approaches on urban transformation. Participants were given complete freedom to outline the program, the overall output and the extents of their proposal. Likewise, the size and complexity of the intervention was defined by each team according to the needs of that specific neighbourhood, plot, city or community.
The awarded proposals managed to successfully apply tactical urbanism techniques in contexts of very diverse scales and geographical locations: from the bustling city of Medellin to the port of Beirut, from the cold landscapes of Finland to the historic center of Milan, among many others. Each project was able to imagine urban scenarios in which social interaction was enhanced through lightweight installations, new functions, urban greenery and the repurposing of existing infrastructures.
TerraViva congratulates all the participants of Tactical Urbanism NOW! IV for contributing to research on how to design more resilient, inclusive and lively cities!
Urban Anchors: Activating Public Space Around Cable Car Towers in Medellin
Yuqing Zhang, Yuhui Yang [China]
In the hillsides of Medellin, the support towers of cable cars stand as silent sentinels, overlooking communities and shaping the urban fabric in profound yet understated ways. As these towers touch the ground, the area around them opens up. People spontaneously gather around the towers to rest, meet, and chat, in some cases similar to an activated plaza, where the tower holds the community together.
The project “Urban Anchors” seeks to explore the impact of their presence on the surrounding public space, especially given the density in the informal settlements. This initiative aims to use easily fabricated and assembled modular urban furniture, mainly made from wood and steel, to activate space around cable car towers, be it a farmers’ market, an urban farming street, or a kids’ play plaza. Additionally, the different heights of the towers can be given different functions, providing air passengers with another view of tactical urbanism.
We strongly believe that this project has the capacity to be replicated in other parts of South America, both in the planning phase of future cable cars and in the utilization phase of existing ones, such as La Paz, Bolivia, which has the most significant number of cable car lines in the world.
In conclusion, this project transforms cable car towers into dynamic focal points of the neighborhood and fosters vibrant public spaces that not only enhance the local community’s quality of life but also serve as models for sustainable urban development across South America.
“The proposal is a creative demonstration of how tactical urbanism can be leveraged to improve the performance of transit infrastructure. Identifying the support towers of cable cars as nodes that the community is naturally drawn to, the proposal engages both the horizontal ground plane at the foot of these towers as well as the verticality of the towers to resourcefully ‘produce’ new public spaces for the community in dense land-strapped settlements. Programming these spaces with varied functions creates urban markers that also enhance the overall legibility of the settlement. The proposal’s very real potential for replicability is also a winning aspect.”
Urban Camouflage
Aykan Aras, Kutay Kaynak, Can Kayaaslan [Turkey]
Urban Camouflage reimagines the Port of Beirut as not just a logistical and industrial hub, but as a versatile Freezone capable of meeting any economic or social demand from the city. Resilience in urban systems requires constant harmony with the context and the ability to adapt to changes within that context. The concept of camouflage emerged from research, highlighting Beirut’s familiarity with crises. Notably the Civil War from 1975 to 1990, which left lasting cultural and physical borders, such as “The Green line,” named for the vegetation that camouflaged the region during the conflict.
Camouflage, in this context, refers to synergy with the background rather than hiding. The port must continuously adapt to the ever-changing backdrop of Beirut, reflecting the regeneration of vegetation and landscape over time. This adaptability mirrors the city’s intrinsic resilience, where diverse cultures, religions, and nationalities blend seamlessly—a metaphorical camouflage. This project aims to formalize and enhance Beirut’s innate resilience by establishing a system that consistently and efficiently adapts to evolving needs, promoting flexibility and multi-functionality.
The project categorizes constants and variables. Constants include the Passenger Terminal, Silo Memorial, Shipyard, Container Terminal, Long-term Housing Project, and Tensile Structures, ensuring a future-proof environment capable of responding to needs. Variables, with varying time-frames, encompass daily (Modulor Shoreline Platforms, Shadings), weekly (Light Structures, Containers), monthly (Open Spaces, Temporary Housing Units, Power Stations), and long-term (Markets, Warehouses) elements, providing flexible solutions to handle urban scale problems.
The Passenger Terminal and modular shoreline work together. The Silo Memorial symbolizes the city’s resilience, surrounded by open spaces /gathering zones. The Shipyard, located on the third dock, facilitates ship repairs, contributing to the city’s economic sustainability. Tensile Structures serve diverse purposes, from sports to concerts, enhancing adaptability and inclusiveness. The Long-term Housing Project addresses homelessness both now and in the future emergent situations.
Variable elements combine to form clusters catering to various functions, including Market Areas, Exhibitions, Gathering Zones, and Workshops, promoting an inclusive and collaborative environment. Beirut’s residents can freely assemble these elements to create clusters, even innovating new ones, fostering adaptability and innovation. An easily printable catalog shows all these possible clusters and exemplifies the functions of them.
The catalog features a comic illustrating solutions for festivals or emergencies at the Port, demonstrating the system’s versatility. It is even possible to make overnight transformations, like a shoreline becoming an open-air cinema, facilitated by storing smaller elements in nearby warehouses for swift deployment, showcasing adaptability and resilience.
The 1/4000 site plan is only a possible instant frame from the project. The constants are going to stay as they are, but any variable on the plan might change one day later.
Urban Camouflage develops participatory solutions to city scale problems.
“This project significantly reinterprets the conventional understanding of camouflage, employing a discreet yet politically sensitive approach to augment adaptability and flexibility within urban and societal contexts. Such initiatives occasionally necessitate compromise to reconcile mutual and conflicting interests in this city. The team exhibits commendable courage in showcasing the potential within a city marked by a prolonged history of crises.”
Rand Hamdallah, Jonie Agas [Palestine – Philippines]
The Nordic region’s extensive winter significantly reduces outdoor activities and community engagement for nearly half the year. Located in Lahti, Finland, the DeFROST initiative reimagines urban winters by transforming Pikku-Vesijärvi Park into an engaging space during these cold months.
While thriving as a recreational oasis in the summer, the park remains largely dormant and underutilized from September to May due to prolonged snow cover. The area’s significant immigrant population also adds diversity to the challenge of enhancing community connection and integration.
DeFROST rejuvenates urban life during the long winter months by leveraging thermogenesis, the body’s natural response to physical movement. This process helps maintain internal body temperature, making outdoor environments more bearable during the extended winters.
Activity-filled cubes, interconnected by a walkway, encourage urban interaction. Signage placed every 2 kilometers along the walkway helps visitors monitor their warmth gain, based on the average time needed to increase body temperature by 1°C during a 25-minute walk at a moderate pace.
The cubes are thematic, divided into three categories: social, environmental, and leisure. Social cubes focus on language, music, art, culture, and self-expression; environmental cubes emphasize recycling; and leisure cubes provide spaces for exercise, games, relaxation, and meditation. Each cube features a modular system designed for easy detachment, relocation, and customization according to user requirements.
The design strategy is incremental, starting with a test phase in the park to assess impact and adapt based on community feedback. With a successful pilot, DeFROST aims to scale up, expanding to other Nordic cities.
“This project cleverly touches on an out-of-a-box idea turning a park into a vibrant place during winter by helping people stay warm by staying active. Starting with a pilot phase to gather community feedback shows a smart approach to ensuring the project meets the needs of Lahti’s diverse population and could be a great model for other Nordic cities to follow. It uniquely turns a park into a more urban space and creates opportunities to bring communities together by making cold more enjoyable.”
Golden mentions
(ordered by registration code)
The Ephemeral Park
Virgilio Diaz [Mexico]
Throughout history, the relationship between urban and natural landscapes has been ambivalent, particularly in the wake of over-industrialization in the last century, which led to the loss of much urban nature.
The presence of nature in our historic cores has long been a subject of discussion. Historic centers pose a unique challenge as they embody the passage of time, our identity, and heritage. Often, they are UNESCO-protected sites.
Today, the looming threat of the climate crisis underscores the scars of post-industrialized times, emphasizing the urgent need for more sustainable and greener approaches to our cities. This shift is vital for creating livable, healthier, smarter, and more human urban environments.
Yet, can our historic landscapes embrace this transition without compromising their heritage status? Is there an opportunity within them? Our built heritage not only signifies beauty but also embodies our societal identity for present and future generations. Therefore, respecting and safeguarding it is imperative.
‘The Ephemeral Park,’ represents a beacon of hope for our historic cores. Here, urban nature is delicately introduced, avoiding drastic physical alterations. This ‘fluid’ and ever-changing green tapestry is formed by modular structures, akin to ‘green pixels,’ which can be moved along the hardscapes to integrate greenery. Their aggregative capacity allows them to create ‘bundles,’ assembling various nature-based solutions such as tiny forests, flower meadows, or community gardens.
This adaptability, evolution, transformation, resizing, and relocation cater to diverse needs without imposing permanent or heavy transformations. The overarching vision: a seamless integration of greenery throughout the city.
“By selecting the UNESCO heritage as site and employing a strategy of minimum intervention, the design articulates a narrative that explores the potential for achieving equilibrium between well-protected man-made space and the organic lushness of natural greenery. Through this approach, the project seeks to enhance the overall comfort and usability of the plaza space.”
FOD Food-Oriented-Development
Zihang Yang [China]
Food poverty is a tough social issue that the US has to deal with at the moment. The biggest driver of food poverty is typically poverty itself. Economic inequalities and lack of sufficient income are primary factors that lead to food poverty. According to bureau of statistics, Residents of East London area have the highest probability of experiencing food poverty in London.
This project creates an idea of FOD by combining food with TOD. The FOD line is transformed from a 4.3 km of under-utilised London Underground line and stations by converting the line into a non-stop direct rapid food transport mode. The stations and their surroundings will also be transformed into food collection, processing and distribution facilities.
By introducing FOD, fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, grains are able to be transported point-to-point for over 100 km from south-eastern England directly to central London.
By eliminating the additional financial and time costs (approximately saving 2-3 days) associated with storing and transporting agricultural produce, and by centralising the processing of food, the cost of food production could be dramatically reduced. And the food can be guaranteed to reach the consumer in a fresher state.
In addition, the new businesses around the station will bring more employment opportunities, such as groceries, marketplaces, shared kitchens, rooftop farms and fishing docks, stabilising the income structure of the neighbourhood and further reducing the risk of poverty.
“Repurposing existing infrastructures is key to promoting sustainable interventions. By addressing also critical social issues such as food poverty, the project showcases the strength of adaptive solutions in fostering inclusive and healthy communities.”
Archipielago of Alebrijes
Ilse Karina Lopez Govea, Ivonne Reséndiz Zambrano, Pedro Antonio Tortello Gonzalez [Mexico – Venezuela]
Archipielago of Alebrijes
The intervention is situated in Xochimilco, Mexico City, the sole area retaining the city’s lacustrine history. Known for its chinampas— pre-Hispanic islets and canals, it’s a UNESCO World Heritage site. While touristy canal tours, parties, and mariachi music attract visitors, they obscure its true essence.
Xochimilco has severed its intimate link with the natural, rural, and lacustrine environment. With scant public spaces, narrow streets, and a disconnected urban structure, it typifies an unregulated city: vehicle-dominated streets, limited recreation areas, poor drainage, and pollution.
Our team ponders: how can we reclaim space through tactical urbanism? How can we harmonize urban and natural elements, leveraging the area’s resources, culture, and identity?
The “Archipelago of Alebrijes” marks a distinct boundary that currently neglects rivers, canals, and chinampa farming areas. By linking key nodes, we aim to open new pathways to the canals. We’ve designed six multifunctional architectural creatures addressing urban, natural, and social concerns.
Our interventions consist of:
Piers (archipelago): New docks serve as the canal’s direct interface and activity zone for alebrijes, revitalizing abandoned canal shores.
Alebrijes: These mythical creatures, embodying multiple animals, guide souls to Mictlan in Mexican lore. Our alebrijes integrate with the landscape, fostering a symbiotic relationship between the urban and natural realms, offering a novel way of experiencing Xochimilco.
“The thoughtful integration of mythical elements and practical urban solutions in the design not only revitalizes the space but also preserves the unique identity of Xochimilco, making it a model for culturally sensitive urban redevelopment. By introducing multifunctional alebrijes and new piers, the project promises to transform the way residents and visitors interact with the historic canals and chinampas, fostering a deeper connection with the natural landscape. The poster is beautifully designed.”
Amirhossein Rezaei Cherati, Seyedehkosar Asghari [Iran – Germany]
The project explores a unique solution to reimagine the future of a 2.5km long overpass (A104) constructed in the 1970s in Berlin that will be soon abandoned due to high maintenance costs and reduced passing traffic. Berlin senate is in Favor of demolishing the overpass and populating the space with residential buildings. On the contrary, our proposal is based on two overarching principles: Minimum impact on the environment and creating an open space for everyone.
Reflecting on past designs like the A104 highway, which created barriers rather than opportunities for interaction, and fostered mono-functionality instead of mixed-use, we aim to reverse this trend. Drawing inspiration from Richard Sennet’s concept of the Open City, we envision an inclusive space where all encounters are possible. It is a place for diverse experiences where uncertainty is not considered as a threat, but rather as an opportunity. Our design methodology prioritizes adaptability and community involvement. Metaphorically speaking, we see our role in the shoes of the organizer of an exquisite corpse game where participants collectively shape the space’s present and future. We initiate the design, but we don’t conclude it. Therefore, we call the outcome of our project “Provisions”.
Utilizing low-impact and semi-temporary tactical urban interventions, we propose two levels of provisions that will support both civil and physical development of the A 104. First, a theoretical roadmap on how different actors can possibly collaborate in such a complex open framework, and second, practical tools accelerating people’s engagement in shaping their own space.
“The project offers a thoughtful response to the Berlin overpass issue, prioritizing community involvement and adaptability. Its focus on reversing negative urban pat
The Other Side of the Wall
Zishen Liu, Bofan Zhou, Yanlin Liu [China]
The first two decades of the 21st century have been accompanied by waves of infectious diseases, of which COVID-19 was the most serious. There is a scientific consensus that there will be more new viruses and infectious diseases, and they will occur more frequently. When the next pandemic hits, are we ready?
Under the Chinese government’s clearance policy, countless residential buildings and neighborhoods have been blocked off by temporary steel plate fences, preventing the fulfillment of many basic daily needs and communication between in and out. After those experiences, almost everyone has been searching for ways to exit the crisis, hoping to return to ‘the world as it was before.’
Therefore, our project is a new spatial tactic to deal with walls—it interacts rather than separates. A series of rotatable roofs with reflective mirror foil on the backside attached to the existing wall breaks the physical border through visual connection. The scaffolding structure extends inwards from the existing, becoming a thick inhabitable wall to expand the limitation of daily needs. The flexibility of scaffolding allows residents to build different spatial conditions according to their needs. Everyday objects such as abandoned furniture and discarded materials are found and collected within the neighborhood and can be integrated into the system in an improvised and creative way, offering various communal, social, and leisure activities. As such, the typology of a wall is no longer a space divider but a functional bottom-up infrastructure transforming the confined community into an autonomous common.
“This project serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle between humanity and viral pathogens. In densely populated urban space, physical confinement remains the most effective strategy for curtailing the spread. The proposal illustrates how urban confinement measures can significantly enhance quality of life during hypothetical extreme lockdown scenarios. Moreover, it underscores the imperative for cities to prepare for future pandemics, emphasizing the necessity of robust contingency planning and resilient infrastructure.”
Learnscape Oasis
Nabila Ferdousi, Qinxue Wang, Zarina Partapurwala [Bangladesh – China – India]
In search of a sanctuary, where knowledge meets connection. Behold the haven we unveil, the “Learnscape Oasis”.
‘Learnscape Oasis” is an endeavour located beneath the neglected viaducts of Limehouse, London, embracing the concept of tactile urbanism through its modular and flexible prototypes and fostering a shared community space.
By collaboration and connectivity among segregated NGOs, we aim to stop the rise of digital exclusion, education poverty and disconnection of individuals. Establishing a gift economy framework to balance public welfare and business interests. Our mission is to stop traditional university learning models by creating a space dedicated to exchanging skills and knowledge among the community people. An app is created to connect individuals, spaces and organisations, offering to book the shared spaces, facilitate skill learning opportunities and organise community events.
Implementing a time-based intervention through negotiations with the ‘Transport for London’ authority serves two purposes for the designers as continuous process of urban design research; gathering data and community feedback at every step to better understand and allow design refinements that respond to the changes in the times. Here we considered that the architects and designers can actually act as the protestors against the missed opportunities for designing for the betterment of any community.
Phase one initiates with a pilot program beneath two arches, the two prototypes are modular, mobile and flexible. The structure evolves and responds to changing requirements, events, seasons, and functions. The modular structures and flexible furniture arrangements ensure seamless adaptation. Phases two and three intend the expansion of landscape pathways, pedestrian-friendly zones, and interconnected green spaces; envisioning the expansion of communal spaces across Limehouse.
“London bridge arches occupation: well crafted and articulated urban acupuncture, seems a no-brainer. Clean and well presented solutions.”
Heterotopia: a project on the unfinished
Abdessamad Hamedi, Mattia Michael Braggion [Italy]
The phenomenon of unfinished projects in Italy, highlighted by a study conducted by architects and scholars, reveals a widespread presence of incomplete public works, with a significant concentration in Sicily, especially in Giarre. These structures, ranging from infrastructures to public buildings, are the subject of a tactical urban planning project aimed at reactivating and enhancing these spaces, involving the community in the recovery process. Giarre emerges as a key location to address this challenge, given its high density of unfinished projects and consolidated urban context. The main objective is to transform these spaces into social catalysts, returning them to the community. The approach is based on the concept of heterotopia, creating multilevel public spaces with distinctive elements such as walkways, bridges, and towers. The intervention involves two phases: a temporary one, involving the community in the reuse of spaces with dismantlable and reusable tactical interventions, and a subsequent phase of consolidation or demolition/reconstruction, depending on the community’s decisions. The goal is to create livable and recognizable public spaces, respecting the existing context and promoting environmental sustainability. This systematic and modular approach can be replicated in other unfinished sites in Italy, offering an innovative and participatory solution to address the issue of urban incompleteness.
“Project HETEROTOPIA addresses the prevalent issue of unfinished public works with a tactical urbanism approach. Its focus on transforming neglected spaces into vibrant community hubs using adaptable interventions, while emphasizing community involvement, is highly commendable.”
Senmiao Guo, Yuntian Shi [China]
The study site is situated within an alley linking a residential enclave and a primary school in downtown Shanghai. These narrow passageways, remnants of residential development, now serve as urban left over spaces. They offer an opportunity for revitalization efforts aimed at enhancing community life and providing essential amenities within the constraints of limited space.
This alley is lack of design, it divides the pedestrian and vehicular space by using posts. Inspired by the familiar spacing of these posts, a modular approach emerges, laying the groundwork for a versatile public infrastructure. Echoing the centuries-old Chinese puzzle, Tangram, this innovative system enables over 2,000 unique configurations, adapting to the diverse needs of Shanghai’s neighborhoods.
Enter the Tanacube – a three-dimensional evolution of the Tangram concept. With its adaptable design, combining columns and panels in various arrangements, the Tanacube transcends traditional street furniture, offering unparalleled flexibility. From vibrant community gatherings to serene pockets of solitude, this dynamic system caters to the diverse demographics that call Shanghai home, ensuring that every inch of urban space resonates with vitality and inclusivity.
“Nice idea with adaptable design and flexibility to street furniture”
Honorable mentions
(ordered by registration code)
Yuting Zhang, Pu Zhang [China]
In the context of urban renewal within high-density contemporary metropolitan areas, shaping small public spaces presents considerable challenges. Often located on the neighborhood periphery or between different ownerships, these spaces are typically underdefined, underutilized, and fail to meet the diverse needs of all users due to rigid, top-down planning and allocation. This leads to a scarcity of truly vibrant public spaces. The proposal for the Daxue Road neighborhood in Shanghai offers a participatory renewal strategy that transforms these marginal areas into inclusive, adaptable, and time-shared spaces.
This strategy incorporates a set of open-source, customizable urban furniture, coupled with a collaborative community engagement process that involves various stakeholders. A design framework of basic “S” modules has been developed, which can be combined and reconfigured into larger “M” and “L” modules to accommodate activities ranging from individual to group engagements. This modular approach acts as an open source ‘language’, empowering users to assemble, disassemble, or explore new design possibilities independently. Intensive community workshops facilitate negotiation and co-creation among diverse local stakeholders, including developers, residents, shop owners, building officials, office workers, and tourists. These workshops focus on redefining and repurposing underused spaces such as street corners, subway station plazas, and temporary pedestrian streets with multifunctional urban furniture designs.
The furniture utilizes a durable and economical steel shelving system, adapted from warehouse storage solutions, designed for easy assembly and portability. An instructional manual and an AR app with online platform featuring self-creation, sharing, and feedback mechanisms empower users to freely customize their surroundings, actively participating in the urban renewal process. This mechanism fosters the self-evolution of public spaces, adapting to the city’s evolving future needs.
Augmenting the Living Heritage: Amdavad
Pranav Meghani, Parv Trivedi, Pooja Rachchh, Lagan Marwah, Dharati Patel, Het Shah, Panthi Kevadiya, Nency Jain, Sidharth Kumar Aman [India]
On a summer day, Kabir wakes up and is sipping a cup of tea while traveling back to Ahmedabad. The train is going to reach the destination in an hour. “It’s nostalgic coming back to Amdavad” as he is going to be in his hometown after two years. The hustle of the chowks, the business of the streets and markets, food, my neighbors there is so much from the memories”. Thinking this he got off to the station.
While going to his house in the heritage city, he made a stop at Manek chowk (piazza) to visit Jama Masjid, King’s Tomb & Queen’s Tomb on the way. Manek chowk has a very dynamic use as in the morning the space becomes the front parking spot for the gold market whereas in the evening it is at its liveliest, filled with street food eateries. “What is this!” He exclaimed. “Wow”. The reason for his excitement was the augmented Manek chowk in front of him. The image in his mind was of a busy commercial hub with harsh sunlight, parking is the only thing visible on the road, no shade and no place to relax in the heat of the city but now it was totally different. The place was elevated creating two levels for different functions and separating vehicular and pedestrian movements. The vibrant poles highlight the place to site and pause for a moment. The structure is designed by reusing the bamboo scaffolding from construction sites. The urban furniture includes the upcycled wooden chipboard panels for exhibition and retractable modular furniture, fabric strands, etc. The wooden pallets are used to climb to above level where one can have a bowl at nightlife of Manek chowk.
Seeing all this, he caught up the change in the heritage city. All major heritage sites, market, and residences have been revamped and painted in the vibrant colors of red, blue and yellow respectively. “I’m curious now, I’ll need to see some more places then.” he said. Now he moved through the oldest cloth market – Dhalgarwad which has now been revitalized using recycled fabric canopy, inspired from kite and morphed into three-dimensional form, which is beautifully shading the streets. It has also created an opportunity for the places to sit for the elderly people and children to take a break during the shopping time.
After buying some clothes for himself. He got into an auto and while moving towards his house in Dhal ni Pol (old housing typology). He was just enjoying the vibrant and adapted view of the city. He got excited seeing the kids interacting with each other in the neighborhood, playing, reading in the small library in the community court. The attention and care created to bring people together is heartwarming. Seeing all and meeting everyone he said I’m happy to be back” and moved on with the day.
Tactical Urbanism is a hopeful change that can forward to more changes in our environment, our perception, our life.
Laurie Edwards, Toby Godfray, Michel Mizne, Gabriele Forni, Joseph Wiliams [UK – Brazil – Italy]
Our submission demonstrates AI multimodal flow analysis as an innovative tool to inspire tactical urbanism. Using it, we transform a dangerous junction in Bristol, UK, as a proxy for car-centric junctions globally. Using a drone to capture a 30 minute clip of the junction, we visualise within minutes patterns of behaviour, how space is misused, how its configuration causes near collisions dangerous manoeuvres. We use it to transform the junction to prioritise people and active travel. We focussed on three themes of safety, public space reclamation and sustainability gain.
This method provides important evidence to bolster the case for tactical interventions. A toolkit guides interventions – this in practice would be done with co-design sessions with local communities so they can choose interventions and use of space, making it legitimate and well used. Here we have put in example interventions, but the extent of these really is endless.
We found 12 near collisions involving pedestrians and cyclists in just 30 minutes. Our interventions reconfigure the space and where active travel desire lines are matched, and measures are put in place for cyclists to safely negotiate the junction.
We hope that the techniques developed here will be used in different locations, and that these will bring further improvements illuminating the nascent science of tactical junction upgrading. Moreover, this is an iterative process. The same analysis should be run once the first round of interventions are made, refining the junction, and building the case for more permanent interventions.
Sumayya Akbar [Pakistan]
Tucked away from the bustling heart of Karachi lies Kati-Pahari, a place often overlooked yet brimming with resilience. Despite the odds stacked against it, life thrives in this community, full of dreams but burdened by neglect and stigma. This is where “Khel Gali” comes in – it’s more than just a project; it’s
a beacon of hope and a promise of transformation.
Let’s take a stroll through the maze-like streets of Kati-Pahari, where every corner tells a story of hardships and achievements. Did you know that over 60% of Karachi’s inhabitants call places like these home? It’s a reminder of the pressing need for spaces where everyone feels included.
“Khel Gali” is an initiative drawing inspiration from global efforts to rejuvenate urban areas. It aims to do more than just beautify the neighborhood – it seeks to infuse it with new life.
“Khel Gali” is an installation reimagining the concept of a vertical street from being just a passage to a vital connection between people, more than just a thoroughfare but as a lifeline. As you ascend, the spine of the installation splits at three intervals, creating pause spaces where you can catch your breath,
take a sip of water, and connect with your neighbors.
But “Khel Gali” goes beyond mere infrastructure. It’s about creating spaces that heal and strengthen the
community, where children’s laughter fills the air, and elders find solace in moments of respite. The handrails aren’t just for support; they’re a canvas for creativity and community. They provide a play area for kids who study in the Madrasa at the top, intertwining amenity service and recreation
When the monsoon season arrives, “Khel Gali” becomes even more vital as rainwater trickles down its frame made of recycled material, harvested and stored in small tanks for the community’s use. This transformation isn’t merely physical; with each drop collected, “Khel Gali” symbolizes resilience, showcasing the community’s strength in the face of adversity.
So, as we stand on the threshold of possibility, let “Khel Gali” be a reminder that change is within reach
– that when we come together, anything is possible.
Market+ on Rail
May Kathleen Lange, Lorenza Biagini, Frederic Jordi, Sebastian Plieth [Italy – Germany]
The area around Nordbahnhof is characterised by the former division between East and West Berlin and the former Stettiner railway station. As a result, the area is characterised by many dense, but also very wide areas that are very independent of each other. Old, unused railway tracks also run through the park and on the square.
Creating spaces for leisure and promoting awareness of the environment and food sourcing, is crucial. We need to understand our daily consumption to encourage conscious use and sustainable management of resources, including rainwater collection and revitalizing lost spaces.
The „Market+ on Rails” takes up the idea of connecting different places through mobility while offering services on the go. The carriages are multifunctional and can be used at different times to give different places a quality of stay. They can be used as market stalls, but also as greenhouses, flower shops, community kitchens, kiosks, coffee shops, open-air cinemas and workshops. The system ranges from the conversion of old railway wagons to small, easily transportable wagons and can therefore also be used in the future.
The project combines production, sales, and activities, serving as a neighborhood hub for locals and visitors alike. Market+ on Rails revitalizes unused areas and improves the local environment. It connects people and places, starting at Nordbahnhof, and promotes urban farming, local commerce, and community engagement. By leveraging existing infrastructure and materials, it pioneers sustainability and fosters a greener, more connected Berlin, setting an example for other areas.
URBAN GOSSIPING: tactically reclaiming the streets
Carlotta Trippa, Naiara Yumiko, Marcelo Clapp [Brazil]
The traditional habit of women’s groups to informally occupying the public premises of their homes to practise domestic activities is slowly disappearing due to the fast development’s pace of our cities. While hanging out the laundry, preparing food, or supervising children playing, women would always have an eye on the street and…gossip!
The universal, yet often-dismissed, act of gossiping is an everyday practice of socialisation based on the solidarity that female friendship implies and generates, building networks of mutual care.
The intervention proposes the transformation of residential streets into vibrant communal spaces, using tactical urbanism to apply the concept of urban gossiping. The methodology is based on the understanding of gossiping as a potentially revolutionary practice to deface the city’s monetary spatial forms via commonality; an urban tactic for women to reclaim their spaces in the public realm and allow everyone else to enjoy life outside.
A scaffolding structure serves as a platform to host domestic activities, blurring the line between private and public. By bringing elements of home life onto the streets, the intervention reactivates neglected spaces through overlooked practices, fostering social interaction and recreating a sense of community in the city.
The project relies on the universal need for collective and intimate use of urban space in three diverse locations: Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Prenestina, Rome (Italy); and Arroios, Lisbon (Portugal). Despite differing challenges, the common thread lies in the importance of reimagining the streets as dynamic hubs of common everyday life, rather than mere commodities.
Yoo, Bence Güzel Pavilyon!
Kevser Reyyan Dogan, Bingül Çakacı, Hatice Merve Arslanbenzer, Duygu Saygı Ek [Turkey – UK]
What if waste becomes legacy?
Yoo, Bence Güzel Pavilion! translated as “Nah, I think It’s Beautiful Pavilion!” is an experimental circular economy project, designed and constructed in the semi-public urban space of Istanbul, where one day could be our fictive neighborhood fostering a hand-to-hand community network.
In this kind of world, the concept of waste might shift, with every purchased item transforming into a possession and any discarded material becoming a “legacy” that transitions from anonymity to a property passed on through generations.
Waste is a product of culture, and as the culture evolves, there will be a shift towards shared responsibility and solidarity among communities. Because, such an approach not only increases the need for public space, but also necessitates the direct involvement of the public in the public space.
Istanbul Planning Agency Campus emerges as a real-life model of our fictional neighborhood, making it a suitable site for our project by standing out as a prime example of transformation and reuse in the city at this scale. Back in 2019, the campus went through a major transformation. It was formerly an area where the city’s bureaucrats had private homes, now turned into an urban breathing point that is open to the public. While the ex-residences of bureaucrats have been repurposed into offices for the municipal unit, the structural transformation examples include the converting the former private pool into a conference hall, and the hangar structure has been transformed into a multi-purpose area.
When the unused areas on the campus were reconsidered, the sturdy steel structure set up to carry solar panels took our attention. This vacant space, by already providing a structure to hang on, cultivated the main design decision which is leaving no trace behind in case of dissasamble.
The materials we acquired from local sources were adapted to the design according to the fundamental principles we acquired in the pavilion:
not to generate more waste with a project, not to leave a permanent mark on the design area, and to ensure adaptability.
In this context, the design progressed solely based on the materials available in the warehouses, and the changing stock situations throughout the process also led to changes in the design and connection details during implementation. Therefore, the pavilion consists of 90% reused and 100% reusable materials.
Based on our model of adapting the design to fit the needs and resources, we believe that it is highly adaptable for various contexts. Considering that many cities generate similar types of waste, we envision creating beneficial spaces for urban areas from waste materials. By repurposing vacant spaces and utilizing locally available materials, we can create adaptable and resilient design proposals that address the specific needs and each urban area by using local resources. We believe that adopting an adaptive design approach has the potential to cultivate a culture of solidarity. This will involve creating a hand-to-hand network by fostering connections between designers, workshops, and city residents in response to diverse and evolving needs.
Sea Whispers
Yunqian Wang [China]
In Xiamen, China, a transformative design concept redefines the underbridge spaces, blending the historical essence of the city’s fishery economy with the dynamics of contemporary urban life. This initiative aims to revive the communal and cultural vitality lost amidst rapid urbanization and tourism-driven capitalism.
At the heart of the project is the innovative use of space beneath the city’s bridges, envisioned as communal hubs that foster interaction and engagement among local residents. Inspired by the drawing style of the Tschumi-Manhattan manuscript, the design meticulously navigates through the complex interplay of tradition and modernity, focusing on the creation of a “game” that is exclusive to the locals.
The transition of the Dan people, historically the city’s main economic contributors through fishing, to urban dwellers in residential buildings, marked a significant cultural and communal disruption. This design seeks to counteract such disruptions by facilitating a space where community ties can be rekindled, and traditional practices can be integrated into the fabric of modern urban life.
By strategically reclaiming these underbridge spaces, the project endeavors to restore a sense of community identity and continuity. It serves as a critical response to the challenges posed by urban development, aiming to create a sustainable balance between economic growth and cultural preservation. Through tactical urbanism, this initiative promises not just to transform physical spaces, but to cultivate a resilient, inclusive, and culturally rich urban community.
Alan Gancberg, Priscila Bauer, Emilia Saenz, Eliana Sandoval, Daiana Benitez, Cintia Pamela Pastrana, Nayla Budziñski, Julieta Castagno, Sabrina Pierri [Argentina]
In Argentina, certain urban communities have experienced rapid and disorganized growth due to a lack of state planning and intervention. These communities are characterized by extensive informality, which affects various aspects of life, notably waste management. Many of these communities have narrow and unpaved streets or alleyways, rendering them inaccessible to conventional waste collection trucks. Consequently, residents rely on informal waste disposal methods, often relying on individuals known as “carreros” to collect and transport household waste to small-scale landfills as a means of livelihood often in hazardous working conditions
To address the challenges faced by these underestimated collectors, TRASHformer proposes establishing stopovers in public spaces called TRASH-STOPS.These stopovers are equipped with several services aimed at improving the working conditions of the “carreros”, including hydration points, sanitation facilities and rest areas.
Additionally, TRASHformer introduces specialized containers to encourage waste source separation, thereby promoting environmental stewardship and bolstering the informal economy. This initiative not only raises awareness about the vital role of “carreros” in waste management but also empowers them by providing essential infrastructure and support.Supplementing this initiative is the establishment of a formal waste collection circuit coordinated collaboratively among waste management companies, local government authorities and the community.
The chosen project site is a community called Copacabana in Villa Celina, in La Matanza, a district of Buenos Aires. Characterized by its compact layout, abundant green public space without interventions or clearly delineated perimeters. Copacabana offers an opportune setting for urban and social integration into the formal waste management infrastructure.
PINTO Playful City
Javier Vera Cubas, Belén Rey Núñez de Arenas, Álvaro Rodriguez Padilla, Carlos Ramos Abensur, Katia Valentina Veramendi Huanca [Perú – Spain]
In Pinto, as well as in many other small towns in Spain and other developed countries, a high percentage of children go only to playgrounds, these fenced, colorful spaces designed by adults so they can relax knowing that their children are playing in a safe environment. The problem is that a large part of learning and growing during childhood happens when things happening.
Children play safely in playgrounds, however these are disconnected to one another, separated by streets, cars, and empty roads, where nothing happens, subtracting autonomy from the city. Establishing playgrounds as an official space for children, excludes them from urban life and the right to build their citizenship, and forces adults into a tedious daily routine of passive accompaniment to scheduled play.
However, children resist: they jump fences, play to keep balance using the curb and run treading and jumping on certain colors on the pavement.
A puddle, external stairs, low walls… the whole city is their game. As they walk, they transform streets, create public space and sew the neighborhood.
How can we make adults get over their urban illusion of efficiency and help them understand children and their games, so they can introduce this when they are working and planning urban designs? Wearing the same magic glasses that children do! Then they would know how to design when they discover this new way of seeing the town.
We would like to present a seven-step process to create a playful city, using the tools from tactical urbanism.
(ordered by registration code)