FAQ – Hybrid Coworking


In the brief, it states that it is necessary to showcase the “before and after” of the space. Could you please clarify whether participants should include old floor plans or just photos? 
In order to show the “before and after”, participants can choose to include old floor plans, the photos of the current/former state of the location or both of them. At least one of the two must be included in the panel in order to explain in the best way possible how the space was transformed through the project.
At what time are the deadlines for registrations and project submissions? What does 11:59 AM CET mean?
The deadlines are set for 11:59 AM CET (Central European Time), which is the time zone used in cities like Rome, Paris, and Berlin, it means that the deadline is actually at midday.
It's important to remember that the 24-hour clock used in Central European Time counts hours from 0 to 23. When you see a deadline of 11:59 AM CET, what it really means is that you have until the end of the morning to submit your work. Once the clock strikes noon, the deadline has passed.
It's always a good idea to double-check the time zone and any specific guidelines for deadlines to make sure you're on track to meet them.
Where can I find my “Registration Code”?
The “Registration Code” (ex. 12345) will be available after completing your registration. In addition, it will be also sent to your email address.


Who can participate in the competition?

The competition is open to architects, designers, students, urbanists, engineers, artists, makers and anyone interested in the fields of interior design and architecture.


Is it possible to participate in a team?

Participants can join the competition either individually or with a team and there is no restriction or limit in the number of members that can compose a team.


Why registration fees?

Registration fees are used to cover the running costs of the competition and to improve customer care services. The registration fees cover taxes, web services, database services and everything related to computer security and the processing of personal data. Registration fees allow us to organize new initiatives to promote creativity and to feed the debate on present and future issues regarding climate change, natural-based solutions and social engagement.


Can I enrol to the competition with my Company or Architecture/Design firm?

Yes, you can participate with your Company. To issue your invoice, we ask you to provide your Tax identification number or your VAT Number on the registration procedure. If your Company is based in Europe, we should verify the correctness of your VAT number via the EU Tax authorities (VIES VAT number validation).


How do I register a team?

During the registration we only need the personal data of the group leader. The other team members will be indicated in the final submission package at the end of the competition. You will find all the instructions after registering, in the folder that will be sent to you by e-mail.


Where can I indicate the name of my group mates? (in case you participate as a team)

During the registration procedure it is required the information of only one of the team members.
The rest of the member/s of your group will be indicated during the submission of the project inside “Folder B”


Is there any discount for registering more than one group at a time?

Regarding the registration of several groups at a time we have customised discount plans that change according to the total number of registrations. For more information, please contact at: info@terravivacompetitions.com


How many projects can be submitted?

The payment of one registration fee allows the participant/team to submit one single project. In order to submit additional projects it is required to pay additional registration fees.


Where can I find the instructions for the submission of the project?

All the necessary material related to the submission is available in the download section after the registration. An additional download link will be sent to you by email.


Which material do I have to include inside the submission package?

The submission package must contain two folders:
Folder A_Project must contain the project submitted to the jury (A1 panels + Text) + Folder B_Group Identity
Use .zip compression to upload your submission folder in our website www.terravivacompetitions.com (upload section). 


If I pay the registration fee today I have to submit my project the same day? Or do I still have time until the deadline?

The final deadline for the project’s submission is the one you can find in the competition page, regardless of when the registration is made (this means that if you register today you have time until the final deadline). An early registration only guarantees a discounted price. However you can submit your project in advance. To upload your project please go to the “upload section” on our website.


What representation techniques can be used?

Diagrams, sketches, 3D visualizations, plans and sections, collages, model photos, etc… All kinds of graphic representations will be accepted.


Is it possible to include text inside the A1 panels?

Yes, it is possible to include text inside the A1 panels. Any kind of text, explanation, data regarding the project will be allowed to be written on the panels – as long as it does not contain any information revealing the identity of the participants – (ex. name, surname, office name, university, etc.).


Is it possible to submit extra material apart from the 2 A1 panels and the 250 words text?

No, it will only be accepted the requested material for the submission (2 A1 panels + 250 words text). Any kind of extra material will not be accepted.


Will it be possible to submit a project that has partly being crafted during University?

Yes, it is possible to submit a project that has been partially/totally crafted during University. Make sure you have the rights to present the project in case you have done it with other people in the past or the project was part of another competition. You can find more info about the eligibility rules inside the competition Brief.


Are there any restrictions on the nationality of the participants?

Teams can be composed by members of different nationalities and there are no restrictions about country of residence.


Is delivery of a hard copy of the A1 panels required?

Participants are required to submit the A1 panels only digitally, there’s no need to present any kind of hard copy.


Is this a design only competition?

Yes, it is a design competition. This means that the winning project will not be built. The aim of this competition is to promote economic, social, and environmental sustainability for the development of new architectural approaches. The best proposals will be published in architectural magazines and websites and might also be exposed in international exhibitions.


How can I upload my project?

You can upload your project through the “Upload” page of our website. Fill out the upload form with your code and the email used for the registration.


I didn’t receive the confirmation email. Is there a way to check if everything has been uploaded properly?

If you have not received your receipt please check the spam or junk folder of your e-mail account. For any inquiry, please contact us at: info@terravivacompetition.com


Who will own the rights to the project after delivery?

The authorship rights remain to the competitor. By registering, you just give TerraViva the right to publish and diffuse your project online and in exhibitions/magazines, etc.


Can you clarify the autorship/intellectual property/realization rights of a submitted project for this competition?

In this competition we apply the Reproduction right and the Publication right only (art. 12 of the Italian Copyright Law). The Reproduction right is the right to reproduce the work. It refers to the direct or indirect reproduction for direct or indirect commercial purposes. The right of publication is the right to offer the work to the public. The author shall have the right to object to any distortion, mutilation or other modification of his work that would be prejudicial to his reputation (art. 2 of Italian Copyright Law).

Moreover, TerraViva recognizes the legal and philosophical basis of the moral rights of creators with respect to creative and artistic works. Moral rights are the exclusive rights granted by the law to the author in order to protect his personality. Such right of authorship may be exercised at any time by the author (art. 20 of Italian Copyright Law).


Send your questions at: info@terravivacompetitions.com
indicating the following subject: “FAQ – Hybrid Coworking”.
FAQ section will be regularly updated. 

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© TerraViva S.r.l. all rights reserved

TerraViva S.r.l. – Via Vallazze 109 Milano 20131 – VAT n. 12608970963 – REA-MI 2672012 – Share Capital € 10.000,00
Contact: info@terravivacompetitions.com