Upload – Form


(Competition Code : TCS)


Save the submission documents as follow:

Download Instructions  – Download Submission Folder (Example)


File n.1:
Folder A_TCS_YOUR-NUMBER (ex. Folder A_TCS_12345.zip)
Use .zip compression to upload – maximum file size: 45 Mb

File n.2:
(ex. Folder B_TCS_12345.xlsx)
Use .xlsx – Excel format or .ods – OpenOffice format

Upload Section

1 – Drag and drop or select your “Folder A”.zip
2 – Drag and drop or select your “Folder B”.xlsx
4 – Insert your registration number, your email address and the title of your project
5 – Click “Upload File” (at the end of the upload you will be redirected to the confirmation page)

[wordpress_file_upload forcefilename=”true” duplicatespolicy=”maintain both” redirect=”true” redirectlink=”https://www.terravivacompetitions.com/upload-confirmation/” placements=”title/filename+selectbutton/subfolders/userdata/consent/uploadbutton/filelist/message” uploadtitle=”” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”hello@terravivacompetitions.com,%userdata2%” notifyheaders=”TerraViva Competitions” notifysubject=”TerraViva Upload Notification – TCS – %userdata1%” notifymessage=”Dear %userdata1%,%n%%n%This is an automatic delivery message: %n%Your files %dq%%filename%%dq% have been successfully uploaded.%n%%n%The project will be sent to the jury according to the competition schedule and rules.%n%Results will be notified via e-mail and published on our website www.terravivacompetitions.com at the end of the evaluation process.%n%%n%Please, take a few minutes to fill out our survey. Click on the link below, your opinion matters!%n%https://us10.list-manage.com/survey?u=d944f92f6219d2aafd9572da8&id=b2d726ddbc&attribution=false%n%%n%Thank you very much for taking part in our competition!%n%For any inquiry, please contact us at: info@terravivacompetition.com%n%%n%Best Regards,%n%TerraViva Competitions” askconsent=”true” personaldatatypes=”userdata and files” notrememberconsent=”true” consentrejectupload=”true” consentformat=”checkbox” consentpreselect=”yes” consentquestion=”By activating this option I hereby consent to the processing of my personal data.” widths=”plugin:820px, filename:500px, selectbutton:315px, uploadbutton:820px, filelist:820px, progressbar:820px, userdata_value:500px, consent:820px, message:820px” heights=”consent:60px” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Registration number|t:text|s:right|r:1|a:1|p:inline|d:/Registration email|t:email|s:right|r:1|a:1|v:1|p:inline|d:|g:0/Project title|t:text|s:right|r:1|a:1|p:right|d:” dropbox=”true” dropboxpath=”Screenshot/Omar/Concorso_06 – The Cuban Piazza/00_Upload Progetti”]

Only in case of unexpected problems during the upload procedure, please send your submission folders using our WeTransfer account: Go to WeTransfer

By uploading a project all competitors agree to our Privacy Policy and to the collection, use and sharing of the provided information under D.lgs. 196/30 June 2003 and GDPR UE n. 2016/679. By clicking on the upload button, participants formalize their unconditional acceptance of the competition’s program and rules, as well as the final decisions of the jury.
For technical assistance please contact our staff at the following email address: info@terravivacompetitions.com

In case of unexpected problems during the upload procedure, technical assistance will be provided by TerraViva staff at the following email address: info@terravivacompetitions.com

By uploading a project all competitors agree to our Privacy Policy and agree to the collection, use and sharing of the provided information under D.lgs. 196/30 June 2003 and GDPR UE n. 2016/679. All competitors agree to share such information with the jury committee.
By clicking on the upload button, participants formalize their unconditional acceptance of the competition’s program and rules, as well as the final decisions of the jury.