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#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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現在的戰術城市化! 建築競賽 | 本次競賽的挑戰在於想像更具包容性、安全性、彈性和可持續性的公共空間。 這個想法是創造性地思考並嘗試新的可能性來改善我們居住的城市的條件…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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為了挑戰以人類為中心的建築,並以嘗試一種以自然為中心的新創作過程為理念,競賽要求設計三個小型展館,沉浸在“ Torbiere del Sebino”…
#Wildlife Pavilions
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#The Cuban Square
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Wrocławskiej otrzymały wyróżnienie honorowe w międzynarodowym konkursie Hangar Ticinum…
#Hangar Ticinum
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Nuova sfida Tactical Urbanism Now!, il concorso di idee lanciato per il secondo anno consecutivo…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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TerraViva Competitions launches TACTICAL URBANISM NOW! 2021, a new edition of the architecture…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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A team of alumni from the School of Architecture has won an award for their project submission in…
#The Living Museum
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Hangar Ticinum – il recupero dell’idroscalo razionalista di Pavia. La nuova sfida lanciata da…
#Hangar Ticinum
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Организатор архитектурных конкурсов компания TerraVivaCompetitions приглашает к участию…
#Hangar Ticinum
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TerraVivaCompetitions launches Hangar Ticinum, a new architecture competition focused on…
#Hangar Ticinum
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TerraViva Competitions launches HANGAR TICINUM, a new architecture competition focused on the…
#Hangar Ticinum
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Abbandonato a se stesso, mutilato e orfano dell’unico camminamento che un tempo lo collegava alla…
#Hangar Ticinum
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New architecture competition focused on the transformation of an Italian abandoned hydroplane…
#Hangar Ticinum
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Architecture Competition: Hangar Ticinum Competition, a Creative Hub on The River…
#Hangar Ticinum
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TerraViva Competitions has officially released the complete list of awarded projects of…
#The Living Museum
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The awarded projects were able to interpret the context in a highly sensitive way, experimenting…
#The Living Museum
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Sono stati svelati i vincitori di The Living Museum, il secondo concorso lanciato da Terraviva…
#The Living Museum
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Il Museo Nivola di Orani, Sardegna, ha coinvolto l’hub TerraViva Competitions in un…
#The Living Museum
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With the aim of imagining a museum capable of breaking with the conventions of the…
#The Living Museum
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TerraViva Competitions lanza THE LIVING MUSEUM, un nuevo concurso de arquitectura…
#The Living Museum
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A solo una hora de la magnífica costa, Orani puede parecer uno más de un gran número de pueblos…
#The Living Museum
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La Sardegna è indubbiamente una delle più belle isole del Mediterraneo, e da decenni una delle mete…
#The Living Museum
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Aside from the existing formal gardens, the complex includes over 20 hectares…
#The Living Museum
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Prizes up to 7.000 € will be awarded to the winners selected by an international…
#The Living Museum
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The competition is open to students, architects, designers, urbanists, engineers…
#The Living Museum
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An open international ideas contest is being held for a new overnight accommodation…
#The Living Museum
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Inspired by the unique nature of this magnificent landscape, competitors are…
#The Living Museum
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Следуя идее представления музея, который нарушает условности традиционного…
#The Living Museum
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Orani (Nuoro) è il paese natale del poliedrico artista Costantino Nivola; ospita il…
#The Living Museum
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In the search for innovative concepts and original projects, “The Living Museum”…
#The Living Museum
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The so called “take-away-tourism” has always been a critical issue for Sardinian…
#The Living Museum
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TerraViva Competitions lancia un nuovo concorso di idee per immaginare piccoli padiglioni…
#The Living Museum
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The competition proposes to integrate an accommodation program within the…
#The Living Museum
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The competition, for the design of a housing project linked to the Nívola Museum…
#The Living Museum
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The exhibition centre sits in a spectacular natural site on the southern side of…
#The Living Museum
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Una notte al Museo: The Living Museum pensa ad una struttura ricettiva nel…
#The Living Museum
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The competition is open to students, architects, designers, urbanists, engineers…
#The Living Museum
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In line with the idea of imagining a museum that breaks with the conventions of the…
#The Living Museum
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TerraViva Competitions launches THE LIVING MUSEUM, a new architecture…
#The Living Museum
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Just one hour away from the magnificent Sardinian coast (Italy), Orani may…
#The Living Museum
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The so called “take-away-tourism” has always been a critical issue for Sardinian…
#The Living Museum
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TerraViva Competitions lancia un nuovo concorso di idee per immaginare piccoli padiglioni…
#The Living Museum
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“Tactical Urbanism NOW!” Competition Announces the Results of its First Edition…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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TerraViva Competitions has officially released the complete list of winning projects…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Tactical Urbanism NOW!” Competition Announces the Results of its First Edition…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Tactical Urbanism Now! Ecco i progetti vincitori e le menzioni d’oro. Sul podio team…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Needle e TerraViva Competitions sono felici di annunciare i vincitori del…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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The winners of the international design competition “Tactical Urbanism NOW!”…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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We are pleased to announce that MArch4 students Callum Skinner, Jia-Hao Yang, and Stanley…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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“Tactical Urbanism Now!” encourages participants to propose their own programs…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Si richiede di ipotizzare contesti cittadini in grado di promuovere lo scambio sociale…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Following the principles of Tactical Urbanism, participants are therefore asked to…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Architekt*innen, Designer*innen, Künstler*innen, Ingenieur*innen…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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En la búsqueda de conceptos innovadores y proyectos originales, Tactical Urbanism..
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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The concept of “public space” includes a large number of possibilities within a…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Use your imagination and propose a concept that takes urban space into another level…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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TerraViva has opened registration for the Tactical Urbanism NOW! The challenge…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Today, the citizen’s relationship with the urban context is moving towards the spreading…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Le città di tutto il mondo stanno implementando interventi flessibili, creativi e…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Eingereicht werden können Arbeiten, die über die traditionellen Vorstellungen…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Terraviva Competitions lancia il concorso Tactical Urbanism Now! L’obiettivo è…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Today, the citizen’s relationship with the urban context is moving towards the spreading…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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The challenge of this competition is to encourage participants to imagine…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Following the principles of Tactical Urbanism, participants are therefore asked to propose…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Tactical Urbanism proposes an alternative method to achieve urban regeneration that…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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TerraViva Competitions launches a new architecture and design competition focused on…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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Tactical Urbanism Now! Superare la tradizionale concezione dello…
#Tactical Urbanism Now!
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“Plug-in 4 Rehab” workshop will be a two-part course which will take place in Milan during…
#Plug-in 4 Rehab
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