Tactical Urbanism NOW!

The annual design competition that awards the best projects for the rehabilitation of public spaces all around the world

TerraViva Tactical Urbanism Now

Redefining the Contemporary City

“Tactical Urbanism NOW!” invites architects and designers to reimagine public space through creative and unconventional interventions, conceived to make a tangible impact on our cities. Living in urban contexts constantly evolving at an unprecedented pace, today it is essential to explore innovative solutions that enhance liveability and foster vibrant communities.
This ground-breaking competition challenges participants to develop new strategies to transform underused urban spaces into thriving hubs of activity, connectivity and inclusivity. TerraViva strongly encourages out-of-the-box thinking, pushing the boundaries of traditional urban planning to design temporary or semi-permanent interventions that can be implemented quickly and effectively.


Projects and teams


Project locations
around the world


Design proposals

1st Prize 2024 Edition: Urban Anchors: Activating Public Space Around Cable Car Towers in Medellin

What is Tactical Urbanism?

In order to face rapid changes and to improve the adaptability of public spaces, cities have been using Tactical Urbanism as a tool to be­come increasingly more dynamic and flexible. From a design point of view, architects and urban planners are experimenting with tac­tical techniques as short-term and low-cost actions for long-term and effective results.   

This innovative approach can be adopted as an alternative and creative regeneration method that aims to improve the quality of public spaces by considering the needs of the community, adapting to site-specific conditions and strengthening cultural identity. The impact of this competition lies in its ability to spark conversations, inspire change and generate ideas that are scalable and replicable.  

Download Past
Editions' Briefs

Why participate?

Challenge yourself by participating in “Tactical Urbanism NOW!” and propose avant-garde solutions capable of shaping the city of the future!

Take the chance to be part of a global community that aims at leaving a lasting impact on the built environment: Subscribe to our newsletter to learn more about the competition details, the submission requirements and all the most important deadlines.

United Nations SDGs

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Following the United Nations SDG n° 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”, TerraViva has committed to organise its competitions in line with this goal.

Regarding the target n° 11.3, our goal is to incentivise and support designers to test innovative public-space projects within their local community though our annual competition “Tactical Urbanism NOW!”; while according to n° 11.4, one of the objectives of TerraViva is to contribute to the research on how to rehabilitate abandoned historical buildings through adaptive reuse, such as the cases of Hangar Ticinum and Silos Buenos Aires competitions.

Work with Us

We are looking for new partners and sponsors who share TerraViva's vision about the future of every city in the world: contact us if you would like to promote your brand within our global community of designers!


TerraViva S.r.l.
Via Vallazze 109 – 20131 Milano MI



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